Hi Friends! Welcome back to my blog. If you're new here, welcome and thanks for joining. Today I would like to open up more. One area I continue to struggle with is to be open and vulnerable, but I know it's the only way to make real connections and to be my most authentic self.
A few years back (mostly college) I had a bad habit of thinking negatively. I'm constantly reminded by my timehop app which shows past facebook statuses/posts. Back then, I always seem to be complaining. I would complain about the weather, studying, being tired, being stressed, work, and a few other things.
Honestly, I'm surprised no one brought it to my attention. I probably would have reacted defensively if they did. I use to take things personally too.
And what did I even have to be stressed or upset about?! LOL. I have bigger responsibilities now, and I know that will continue to progress as I move through life. (Having kids one day)

Fast forward to today and it's a different story. I try my best to see the good/positive in things and situations. Every situation in life is an opportunity to grow and learn.
Also, we have a choice. We always have a choice.
We can choose to be stressed, worried, frustrated, mad, sad, OR we can choose to be happy, grateful, joyful, excited.
Just this morning I was feeling frustrated and mad for silly little reasons, and I had to take a second to regroup. I think having self awareness is a huge first step in the right direction. I was able to say, "whoa, why am I so worked up?" Then immediately I changed my thoughts to being grateful for the day and to be alive to experience it.

I'd by lying if I said it wasn't challenging. I still struggle from time to time like the situation mentioned above.
It's a daily practice to shift your mindset and perspective. Do you struggle with this as well?

Some resources that have helped me and continue to help me:
*The book "The Power of Positive Thinking." This book is a great tool to help change your mindset to a positive one. I actually want to re-read it again soon.
*Keeping a gratitude journal. I keep one at work and one at home.
*Reading scripture or any spiritual words of wisdom.

If you can relate to this or find yourself struggling with keeping a positive mindset I want you to know that you're not alone. Just remember to take a deep breath and realize that everything is going to be okay. "This too shall pass."

We never know when our last day on earth will be. If we constantly remember that, we can live each day with gratitude and purpose. I know I need to work on remembering this. Sometimes we move so fast through each day trying to keep up with life that we forget to breathe and just 'be.'

Outfit Details:
Booties (mine are Steve Madden and sold out quickly! linking some similar pairs that are really cute and under $50!) Similar and Similar // Jeans // Cami top // Blazer // Necklace // Bracelet 1 // Bracelet 2 // Watch // Ring // Sunglasses // Liptstick
Photos by - Mary Rena Photography
Thank you for stopping by! I hope your weekend is positively wonderful. ;-)
