Texas weather is fun to dress for. It's 55/60 degrees in the morning and by noon it's 80 degrees and you're sweating in your sweater. However, the high today is 63 degrees so I'm doing a happy dance over here!
This sweater is soooo soft and comfy! I seriously want to take the material and make a blanket and pillows out of it. I purchased this from Red Dress Boutique and the link is below.
Today I'm working on some Halloween makeup looks for the blog, and my costume for a party tonight. Stay tuned!
Outfit Details!
Jeans (LOVE these, they fit like a glove)
Booties (old) Similar and and another Similar
Sunglasses (these are from Loft, but they are the pink aviators) Similar
Thank you for stopping by, and have a great weekend!
